Putnam County Community Center


Information & Assistance

I&A provides specific information on private, public, and volunteer services and links individuals to the available benefits and services.

Community Outreach

Our Outreach worker seeks out the older population in their home to give information on and help them gain access to available benefits and services. If you are interested in arranging a home visit from our Outreach Worker, please call the PCCC.  Our Outreach worker is also available monthly at one of the local libraries.  (Please check for dates, times, and libraries being visited on the Resource page.)

Congregate Meal & Nutrition

PCCC has a hot, nutritious meal on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 AM to promote better health and reduce isolation and loneliness for older adults. Meals are catered in by Coal Miner's Cafe of Mark. Meals are available to those ages 60+ at no cost, however, there is a suggested donation of $8. Meals are available to older adults 60+ regardless of their ability to donate. Meals are available to those under 60 for $9. Participants must call 24 hours in advance to place a reservation for a meal. Activities and programming follow our meal.

Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)

PCCC is a certified SHIP site that can provide Medicare counseling, information assistance, and enrollment assistance. We provide programs in the Spring and Fall on specific Medicare topics. Medicare help is by appointment only; call to schedule an appointment.

Senior Health Assistance Program (SHAP)

PCCC can assist with benefits applications: Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), Low-Income Subsidy/Extra Help, Medicare Savings Programs, and Benefit Access (License plate sticker discount and Ride Free Transit cards).

Family Caregiver Support

PCCC has information, assistance, and referrals for those caring for a family member through our Family Caregiver Support Program. Family caregivers and grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers can benefit from these services.

Options Counseling

Assistance for adults and caregivers through an independent decision support process to determine community-based care choices. The individuals' circumstances, needs, preferences, and values are the foundation of this service.

Alzheimer's, Dementia or Related Disorder (ADRD) Supportive Gap Filling

The PCCC receives a limited amount of funding each year designated for persons with dementia and/or their primary caregivers to spend on services and supports that enhance their ability to remain in the community. ADRD funding is a first come, first serve; please call the PCCC to learn more.

EngAGED Illinois
As a participating partner of the EngAGED Illinois program, the PCCC strives to reduce social isolation among older adults. We provide many opportunities for individuals to remain socially engaged with others through attendance at the PCCC or even in the comfort of their own homes. To learn more about the EngAGED program, please call the PCCC.

Lending Closet

PCCC's Lending Closet is one of our most frequently used services. We lend medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, canes, grabbers, raised toilet seats, shower benches, and more. This equipment can be borrowed by anyone for any amount of time, free of charge. The only requirement is that when you no longer need the equipment you return it to us clean and ready to use by someone else.  To download and print out a Lending Closet agreement form, click here.

Warming & Cooling Center

PCCC is a warming center in the winter months and a cooling center in the summer months during regular operating hours of 8 AM- 3 PM. Warming & cooling centers help keep people safe and reduce home energy costs.

All of our services are provided at no cost to those 60 and over. Donations are appreciated but no person 60 and over will ever be denied a service due to the inability to contribute.

Aging & Disability Resource Network

The Putnam County Community Center is a partner agency in the Aging and Disability Resource Network (ADRN). ADRN is a collaborative partnership of community agencies that serve older adults and/or adults 18 years of age or older with a disability. Any adult may access Information and Assistance to understand what community services may be available to meet their needs at any of these agencies and receive referrals and follow-up assistance to access the services they need. 

Services available include:

Information & Assistance
Referral for Services
Individual Options Counseling

Benefits Checkup for State and Federal Benefits

Specialized Care Coordination

Mendota Area Senior Services

1901 Tom Merwin Drive

Mendota, IL 61342

1 (815) 539-7700


Bridges Community Center

809 21st St.

Peru, IL 61354

1 (815) 431-8034


Bureau County Senior Citizens

16 West Marion Street

Princeton, IL 61356

1 (815) 879-3981



1803 7th Street

Moline, IL 61265

1 (309) 277-0167


Department of Human Services Family Community Resource Center

225 Backbone Road E #2

Princeton, IL 61356

1 (815) 875-1134


Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living

 1 Les Buzz Way

Spring Valley, IL.  61362

1 (815) 224-3126
